
Live Site

WootWoot! is a smart shopping list app that learns your shopping habits and recommends items based on purchase history. WootWoot! was built as part of The Collab Lab’s Summer 2021 cohort. This was an 8-week collaboration between a remote team of developers that included building and designing the app, submitting pull requests, doing code reviews and presenting product demos. Backend utilizes Google’s Firestore and the frontend was bootstrapped with Create React App. Here are a few more details:

  • Collaborated on a distributed team of four developers to build a smart shopping list progressive web app (PWA)
  • Utilized Google’s Firestore to store and retrieve list items
  • Implemented user interface employing React and React Bootstrap/CSS for styling
  • Focused on learning how to create pull requests (PRs) on GitHub, resolving merge conflicts, and conducting detailed code reviews

Launch Calendar


Launch Calendar is a web app that lists out upcoming rocket launches around the world, including details for each, such as date of launch, rocket, mission description, etc. Backend was built with Rails API and the frontend was bootstrapped with Create React App. Here are a few more details:

  • Utilized Nokogiri gem to scrape the web for rocket launches
  • Built the backend with Rails API utilizing the MVC pattern and PostgreSQL database to store the upcoming launches
  • Leveraged Redux and middleware for asynchronous data retrieval from the backend API
  • Implemented user interface employing React and Redux with CSS for styling

My Lists


A productivity app that allows users to create multiple lists and add items to those lists. For example, a user may create To Do list, Grocery Shopping list, Travel Destinations list, etc. A user is able to create, edit and delete lists. A user is also able to add, edit and delete the items on each list. Backend was built with Rails API and the frontend was bootstrapped with Create React App. Here are a few more details:

  • Built the backend with Rails API utilizing the MVC pattern and ActiveRecord
  • Designed database schema and utilized PostgreSQL database to store information
  • Leveraged Redux and middleware for asynchronous data retrieval, update and deletion from the backend API
  • Implemented user interface employing React and Redux with CSS for styling

Sweat Workout Studio


A website created for a fictional Sweat Workout Studio. Students are able to register, login, logout, sign up for and drop workout classes. Students are also able to edit their information (and not able to see information of other students). Here are a few more details:

  • Built the backend with Ruby on Rails utilizing the MVC pattern and ActiveRecord
  • Designed database schema and utilized SQLite database to store information on classes and users
  • Implemented user interface employing Javascript and HTML with CSS for styling
  • Utilized OmniAuth gem to authenticate users and Bcrypt gem to securely store passwords